Monday, December 2, 2013

Day Two

Second day of December, already! THIS MONTH IS GOING TO GO PAST SO FAST.

Nella, again, our Christmas dog! Although she's actually staring at me here like WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HUMAN, WHY. I was testing out if all of the lamps in the line would light up when I plugged it in (they didn't, there was like two parts were multiple lights wouldn't light up but with my dad we figured out that the line was probably somehow damaged, somewhere, because if you moved the line a bit they'd light up, so, basically as good as 'they work') and since Nella was lying there close by I couldn't resist it. And she stayed still even though she did glare at me, haha.

I'm back in Turku now so if I have to take a new photo every day I won't be able to take photos of Nella for some days, how sad! But at least you guys will see something else besides Nella too, haha.

OH, and there was a crazy storm yesterday evening, it winded so much and we ended up getting a little bit of snow too :'D. BARELY, but still snow.

Okay, 'till tomorrow!

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